Thursday, September 16, 2010


You are my exception. The one that I have changed plans for and my outlook on life for and did not regret it. I have loved you with every molecule of me & given you my everything but somehow it is not enough. The smiles and laughs no longer fill the air, only now stale silence of our stale love, lingers. I can not take this anymore, where did we go wrong? This was all so brilliant and wonderful, now to hear the words that you speak cuts me deep. I wish you cared and i wish it mattered to you how you hurt me, but i can never justify your actions as caring. I wish you took your share of responsibility in all of this but some how I think that is gone along with your love. Why do you insist on putting yourself through this misery you talk about? All I ask for is for you to love me like you once did but as your love fades so does mine and with it my hope for our future. The one we planned in the quiet of the night while tangled in my sheets and in your arms, while you whispered to me, "you're beautiful". How I long for those words now even if they didnt have one ounce of sincerity to them, like they used to be so full of. I am sorry if I am difficult and stubborn, those are qualities that I wish were different and work to improve but I was once told that there is someone out there who will love you despite them, and somehow I thought you could be that nostalgic prince I always read about in the books when I was a little girl. Maybe this is really me? Maybe I'm the one to blame for all this and you dont have to claim responsibility for any of it, but then again that wouldnt be a relationship, would it? But then again what were we even to begin with? I Love You.

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